Back to Basics – The A-B-C-D of Faith

This week in our Back to Basics series you will have received your first challenge – what do you say to the invitation of Jesus to follow him.

You may have answered this question many times before, or perhaps it’s the first time.  It is, of course, scariest the first time, but it can be challenging at any time.

If this is the first time you’ve said yes to Jesus’ invitation, then there are some things you’d probably like to know.  Some of the language we use may have you a bit worried.

Following Jesus is first of all an internal thing – being thankful for what Jesus has done in dealing you’re your sin, and welcoming God into your life.  It doesn’t mean deserting your family, or your job.

It also doesn’t mean you have to spend your days trying to convert the world to Jesus.  You also won’t be able to keep it locked up inside as a secret from the world.

Putting Jesus #1 in your life doesn’t mean you will have less love or time for other important people in your life.  The truth is that having God in your life increases the love you have – and there will be more than enough to go around between God, family, friends, with enough spare to even dare to love yourself.

Whether this is your first time or not, this is not a short-term carnival ride.  This is about real life in all of its ups and downs, and it is a lifelong journey with God, pointing clear into eternity.  There is no way of knowing how or when you will experience God, because God comes to each of us differently.

What we have in common is Jesus, and as we will discuss next Sunday, God’s gift of the Holy Spirit.  Coming together in church is important because this is the primary place that the people of Jesus gather.

The leaders in our church are not here to control you or tell you how to live your life.  They are, however, unapologetically here to help you and others connect with God.  So you are welcome to approach Rev Wayne or any of the others you perceive to be leaders in the congregation, to discuss anything.

If you’re still considering the invitation of Jesus then I pray that you will find the answers to the questions that you’re asking.  Do feel free to ask.  Our church is a place where questions are welcome, though we don’t promise to have every answer.  We do promise to be honest and real.

The remainder of our Back to Basics series speaks to life after accepting Jesus’ invitation to follow him.  So while you will likely still have many questions, we still have much to discuss before our series is done.

May the God who invites us through Jesus, meet you in such a way that your life is renewed. May you know that God knows, loves and accepts you in his family, and may you journey with Jesus through this life and into eternity.

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