

Our real business is not money, but following Jesus. We want to become more like Jesus and help others do the same.  The reality is that it takes money to operate in any form in this world.

One good thing is that most fundraising can be made enjoyable by the experience of working together. Remember that the real reason we’re doing this is to deal with the financial side of our being here for Jesus.

As you look through the tabs on this page, you’ll see some things that are purely fundraising and other things that probably shouldn’t even be called fundraising – like offerings.  But they have to do with finances, and this seems the best place to talk about them.

So … while no one likes talking about fundraising, it is unavoidable.  Please read here with grace, and understand that we want to do as well as we’re able with our finances so we can focus on the business of following Jesus.

Community Fair 2023

The 2023 Northside Community Fair was a fantastic success. Under Helen’s guidance, and with an enormous team of hardworking contributors, it was (in the opinion of many) the best fair we’ve ever had.

It occurred under interesting conditions because it rained almost the whole week leading to the fair, including the day before, but Saturday 29 July was a beautiful day. Perhaps some of the attendance can be attributed to people being inside all week, and perhaps some to outdoor sports being cancelled. But whatever the reason, lots of people came, and lots of people stayed for a long time.

Cash for Cans

Recycling is good.  We take that for granted now, and most people want to recycle what they can.  The “Cash for Cans” program is one way of encouraging people not to throw recyclable cans and bottles in the general waste.

But since you can get 10c per item for many types of cans and bottles, and since you can assign that money to whoever you please, our church operates a Cash for Cans program.

If you wish, you can take them to a Containers for Change recycle centre yourself, and use ID C10134061, or you can bring them to our Northside Worship Centre and leave them in the Cash for Cans bin.

10c is a small amount of money, but with lots of people contributing, it adds up to over $1,000 each year, and growing.


The single largest contributor to our congregation’s finances is offerings – money that people freely give to our congregation, in response to God’s love and our place in God’s family, but also to financially support the life of the congregation.

70% or more of our offerings now come electronically, mostly from electronic banking.  If you have electronic banking setup, the easiest thing to do for a regular church offering is setup a recurring payment.

The remainder of our offerings come from people contributing during our weekly Sunday service of worship.

If you do want to contribute electronically, our banking details are:

  • BSB: 014010
  • Account No.: 286372829
  • Account name (usually not needed): Northside UCA

There is a whole page on our website discussing offerings, their meaning and purpose, and you can access that here.
