Northside Worship Centre

Northside Worship Centre is our main meeting place.  We have a spacious but humble worship centre and a smaller hall to the rear of the church.  We have a relaxed, friendly environment, and we love to meet visitors or those who drop in to give us a go.

We are serious about following Jesus, and it is our purpose to not only share the good news about Jesus, but help people to find the life Jesus wants to give them.

You are welcome at any of our weekly gatherings, which look like this:

  1. Weekly worship commencing 9am each Sunday.  Kids’ Church and Youth Church both operate during the same time, beginning together and sharing morning tea together afterwards. We have an informal down-to-earth culture of all ages, love meeting new people, and love having children around.
  2. Online discussion groups with the minister on Wednesday evenings. Zoom session commences 7.30pm runs just over an hour each week.
  3. 4 other home groups meet on evenings during the week.
  4. Cooinda craft group that meets 9-11am Tuesdays.
  5. Grandparent’s support group.
  6. Playgroup that meets Monday mornings (not during school holidays).
Service Times
9am Sundays (church worship)
9.30am Tuesdays (church worship)
9.30am Thursdays (faith discussion)
7pm Thursdays (faith discussion)
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