Our Series Begins

So our “Back to Basics” series begins. I want to open up by saying that for me this is much more than just a series with a collection of things to learn.

I have had many privileges during my journey of following Jesus, so far in my life.

I have had the privilege of leading some people to Jesus. Some I lost contact with, but in others I saw the life of God burst forth in them. This perhaps is the greatest privilege of them all.

I have also witnessed, and most often been part of, several miraculous healings; that is, we have prayed for someone to be healed and it has occurred on the spot or overnight. This too, has been a great privilege.

I have found that sharing the simple good news of Jesus – keeping it simple and not allowing it to get complicated – is where wonderful things happen

I have certainly witnessed more than enough to be utterly convinced beyond argument that God is very real; not only very real, but very involved with us. But it does seem to require a response of faith on our part.

These things I have witnessed or been part of are not things I chased after. They happened along the way as a follower of Jesus. I have found that sharing the simple good news of Jesus – keeping it simple and not allowing it to get complicated – is where wonderful things happen.

So it is that we have this series we are about to do that we are calling “back to basics”. I am indebted to Nicky Gumbel and others responsible for the Alpha series, as I have heard the basics of our faith taught in that format numerous times. I am also indebted to Michael Bennett, creator of the Christianity Explained course, which I have taught quite a few times.

Along with those, I am indebted to all those through the years who have tried to teach me, and above all to the God who has met me many times in many ways through the years, and given me this ministry of sharing the gospel message.

I expect all of these voices to be present in the series we are about to undertake.

this is not just an academic exercise … this is so you might gain or renew a vital relationship with God through Jesus

However this is important – this is not just an academic exercise so you might know so stuff you didn’t know, or remember some stuff you’ve forgotten. This is so you might gain or renew a vital relationship with God through Jesus. This is so you might gain or renew the life that God desires for you to have.

This is what is in my mind as we come to each session of this series – how does this affect you with God? So it is much more a practical series than an academic one. And as such I pray that it will have very practical outcomes, where people of our church encounter the living God.

May it be so! Our series starts Sunday 4 Feb, 9am at the Northside Worship Centre.

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